The Cassandra Cat

This 4K restoration was carried out in 2021 at L’Immagine Ritrovata in Bologna, under the supervision of Národní filmový archiv, Prague. The digital restoration of this film was made possible by a donation from Mrs. Milada Kučerová and Mr. Eduard Kučera with the support of Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. Národní filmový archiv, Prague, would like to extend its thanks to the community of film heritage institutions associated within FIAF, the International Federation of Film Archives. Many FIAF members provided valuable cooperation, research and elements instrumental for this restoration, especially Das Bundesarchiv, Cinémathèque royale de Belgique, Filmoteka Narodowa – Instytut Audiowizualny, Filmarchiv Austria, Gosfilmofond of Russia, Jugoslovenska kinoteka and the National Film Institute Hungary – Filmarchive. Some of the necessary film loans were kindly supported by the Czech Center in Moscow and the Czech Centres Prague.